176 East 77th Street

Watch “The Paterno Family: Chronicling a New York Real Estate Legacy” video on YouTube

Read ‘The Paterno Brothers & Their Manhattan Apartment Houses‘ Look Book

NB 108-1955
Third Avenue, 1334-1344
17-sty apt, 153×112 (203,977 sq ft)
176 East 77th St Corp, Harry Langer, v-pres, 654 Madison av
Sylvan Bien, 33 W 46
Address in Real Estate Record:
3D AV, 1334-1344

Block 1411 Lot 40

New York Times • October 21, 1956, Section R, Page 302
The New York Real Estate Brochure Collection, Columbia University
The New York Real Estate Brochure Collection, Columbia University
The New York Real Estate Brochure Collection, Columbia University
The New York Real Estate Brochure Collection, Columbia University
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2024
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2024
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2024
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2024
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2024
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2024
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2024