There was a time when real estate brag books were en vogue for certain clientele. This brag book, located at the New York Historical Society, is for Windmill Farm, country estate of Minnie and Charles Paterno. It was created by Clement B. and Viva B. Davis who also made a Paterno Castle brag book for the Manhattan residence of Minnie and Charles.
The Four Seasons at Windmill Manor
1936-1937 An Heirloom Book by Clement B. and Viva B. Davis • No 3
Made for Doctor and Mrs. Charles Vincent Paterno of The Castle at New York City

Windmill Manor

“Fast falls the eventide” on the day and on the season that are spent. Winter is gone. The sleep is past. E’en now, ‘neath Winter’s softly-spread mantle, AWAKENING SPRING is tenderly greening hill and dale apace.

Not less welcome than cherry spring is the guest who arrives at the MAIN ENTRANCE To WINDMILL MANOR

A closer view of the sturdy STONE COLUMNS flanking the Main Entrance.

Delightful airy vista from near main entrance Looking toward the house

Across the broad expanse of FRONT LAWN looking toward the house through the soft, luminous haze of an early spring forenoon.

In the witching hour of early dawn – Who wouldn’t have the urge to follow this alluring RUSTIC BRIDLE PATH leaving the main driveway and leading “over the hills” but not so “far away” to the lake and the color-glory that is the Rock Garden?

THE LAKE as seen from the encircling driveway, looking eastward, showing Bathing Beach, Boat House lawn and The Dam.

Small section of Rock Garden looking westward from the bathing beach.

Whether in the glare of noonday or in the luminous haze of sunrise ~ the glorious ROCK GARDEN is always beautiful.

The charming BOAT HOUSE – fitted like a beautiful setting to the huge Rock Garden ring encircling the Lake.

Enter the ROCK GARDEN at any point and one’s reward will be a glow of color in endless pattern as in this view from near end of wall leading from the boat house bathing beach.

Charming mass of color and foliage in the angle where the driveway around the Lake swings on to the north end of the Dam.

Mere pigment is impotent to catch the brilliant glow from this bit of the ROCK GARDEN at west end of the Lake. Only could one dip his brush in liquid sunlight could he hope to capture the scintilant [sic] splendor of these massed purples and greens and the thousand orange-hued blossoms swaying and glinting in the bright spring sunshine.

PURPLE IRIS bordering the Driveway at north end of the Lake ~ looking toward the Dam.

Purple Phlox subulata and White Rhododendrons on the upper slope of the ROCK GARDEN alongside of the Driveway at north end of the Lake.

RHODODENDRONS on the slope of the Rock Garden near end of wall leading from the bathing beach.

Incredible! The boat house looked the same when we lived in Armonk 1957 – 1969.
Thank you for taking a look, Barbara, and sharing your memories!
Thank you for sharing. These are lovely. I lived there 1972-1987 at the end of Windmill Road.
Thank you Valerie for stopping by to take a look and share your note!