NB 96-1919 Riverside Drive, West 146th Street 6-sty bk tnt, 50.10×86.11 Cost: $100,000 Owner: Lucania Realty Corpn, 680 West End av Architect: J. M. Felson, 1133 Bway Address in Real Estate Record: RIVERSIDE DR, s e c 146th
sourcesourceNew York Herald Tribune (1926-1962), Nov 18 1945, p. 1.The New York herald. [volume], November 09, 1920, Page 19, Image 19 – there seems to be some detail inaccuracies in this article ie: names and locations11 May 1918 sourcePhoto by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2022Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2022Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2022New York Times (1923-); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 18 Nov 1945: 121.