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1917 Van Horne 300 West End Avenue
– Charles V. Paterno (Kelley Paterno page 285)
NB 233-1916
West End Avenue; West 74th Street, 255-257; northeast corner
13-sty fireproof apartment, 102×99 COST:
Paterno Constn. Co, 2255 Broadway
Schwartz & Gross, 347 5th [Fifth] av
74TH ST, 255-57 West; 74th st, n e cor West End av
Located in West End – Collegiate Historic District Extension designated 25 June 2013
300 West End Avenue
Name: Van Horne
Address: 300 West End Avenue, northeast corner West 74th
Block / Lot: 1165/2
NB Number: 233-16 Date: 1916
Original Use: Apartment House No. of units: 36
Stories: 13 Height : 149’
Estimated Cost: $250,000
Façade Materials: main material brick
base granite lower floors brick
trim limestone/terra cotta cornice n/a
Structure: steel
Original Owner: Paterno Construction Company, 2255 BroadwayArchitect: Schwartz & Gross, 347 Fifth AvenueLandmark Status: None
Comments: This Neo-Classical/Colonial Revival style building is faced with rough-textured and burned red bricks, giving the illusion of a handmade craft-based product. In reference to eighteenth-century architecture, the brick is laid in Flemish bond, with alternating headers (long bricks) and stretchers (short bricks). The building has modest limestone and terra-cotta trim, including panels, beltcourses, keystones, and pediments. The entrance is flanked by Ionic pilasters supporting a segmental-arch pediment. (source)
300 West End Avenue
Date: 1916-17
NB Number: NB 233-1916
Type: Apartment Building
Architect: Schwartz & Gross
Developer/Owner/Builder: Paterno Construction Company
NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District
Landmark Designation Report: Addendum to the West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report
National Register Designation: N/A
Primary Style: Colonial Revival
Primary Facade: Brick, Granite, Limestone, and Terra Cotta
Stories: 13 and basement
Historic District: West End-Collegiate HD Extension
Decorative Metal Work: Transom and sidelights at entrance
Significant Architectural Features: Stone door surround with arched pediments, shield and pilasters; triple window stone surround above entrance door; Flemish bond and decorative brickwork; continuous stone banding; terra-cotta window surrounds with triangular pediment at 12th story and brick arched lintels and stone keystone at top story; stone roundels at parapet
Alterations: Basement entrance sealed with plywood; through-the-wall air conditioners; sidewalk canopy with light fixtures underneath
Site Features: Concrete stairs with metal railing to basement entrance in northern bay
West Facade: Designed (historic)
Door(s): Replaced primary door
Windows: Replaced (upper stories); replaced (basement)
Security Grilles: Historic (basement)
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Concrete
South Facade: Designed (historic)
Facade Notes: Similar to West End Avenue facade; window grilles at basement appear to be historic with non-historic addition at top; three possibly historic doors at first story with granite steps and metal railings, railing at eastern entrance probably not historic; replacement sash; concrete driveway to rear yard; concrete sidewalk and granite curb
North Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Brick facade; replacement sash; two lines of windows sealed with brick infill; fire escape; water tower at roof
East Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Brick facade; historic twelve-over-one double-hung wood windows and historic metal window grilles at basement; replacement sash at upper stories; one line of windows sealed with brick infill; exposed conduit at first story; fire escape; brick chimney (source)
74TH ST, 255-57 West; 74th st, n e cor West End av 13-sty fireproof apartment, 102˙99
(o) Paterno Constn. Co / (o) 2255 Broadway COMMENTS
(a) Schwartz & Gross / (a) 347 5th [Fifth] av (source)
Tina Fey Buys the $9.5M Unit Above Her Current Upper West Side Co-op (2016)
300 West End Avenue (aka 300-308 West End Avenue; 257-259 West 74th Street)
Borough of Manhattan Tax Map Block 1166, Lot 1
Date: 1916-17 (NB 233-1916)
Architect/Builder: Schwartz & Gross
Original Owner: Paterno Construction Company
Type: Apartment building
Style: Colonial Revival
Stories: 13 and basement
Material(s): Brick, limestone, terra cotta, granite
Decorative Metal Work: Transom and sidelights at entrance
Significant Architectural Features: Stone door surround with arched pediments, shield and
pilasters; triple window stone surround above entrance door; Flemish bond and decorative
brickwork; continuous stone banding; terra-cotta window surrounds with triangular pediment at 12th story and brick arched lintels and stone keystone at top story; stone roundels at parapet
Alterations: Basement entrance sealed with plywood; through-the-wall air conditioners; sidewalk canopy with light fixtures underneath
Site Features: Concrete stairs with metal railing to basement entrance in northern bay
West Facade: Designed (historic)
Door(s): Replaced primary door
Windows: Replaced (upper stories); replaced (basement)
Security Grilles: Historic (basement)
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Concrete
South Facade: Designed (historic)
Facade Notes: Similar to West End Avenue facade; window grilles at basement appear to be historic with non-historic addition at top; three possibly historic doors at first story with granite steps and metal railings, railing at eastern entrance probably not historic; replacement sash; concrete driveway to rear yard; concrete sidewalk and granite curb
North Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Brick facade; replacement sash; two lines of windows sealed with brick infill; fire escape; water tower at roof
East Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Brick facade; historic twelve-over-one double-hung wood windows and historic metal window grilles at basement; replacement sash at upper stories; one line of windows sealed with brick infill; exposed conduit at first story; fire escape; brick chimney (source)
Living It Up (published 1984) page 343: VAN HORNE, 300 West End Avenue: A circa-1900 13-story building with a handsome, nicely detailed rusticated base. Stone swags and corbels over the windows. The entrance portico is flanked by four columns. The Van Hornes were early settlers of New Amsterdam. In 1743 Cornelius Van Horne went on record as regretting the decline of the Dutch tongue among New Yorkers.