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Read ‘The Paterno Brothers & Their Manhattan Apartment Houses‘ Look Book
1904 Warren Hall 404 West 115th Street (demolished)
– between Morningside Drive and Amsterdam Avenue (Metropolis page 224)
Paterno Brothers: Charles Paterno Secretary and Treasurer; Joseph Paterno President; Victor Cerabone Vice President. Mr. Victor Cerabone, upon the completion of Warren Hall, severed his relations with the Paterno Brothers and entered into business as a contractor and builder, and has met with gratifying success. (Metropolis page 61)
NB 164-1904
West 115th Street, south side, 100 w Morningside Drive
6-sty brk and stone tenement, 65.4×87.11 COST:
Paterno Bros, 557 W 183d [183rd] st
Schwartz & Gross, 35 W 21st st
115th st, s s, 100 w Morningside av W
“By then Ginsberg and Carr were living at Warren Hall Residence Club, at 404 West 115th Street (now a parking lot).” Where Death Shaped the Beats