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This building is featured in the video The Paterno Monograms: Art of Personalizing Apartment Buildings
1922 559 West 169th Street
– Michael Campagna; Armino Campagna – treasurer; “C” at entry (Kelley Paterno page 285)
Featured in Andrew Alpern’s book The New York Apartment Houses of Rosario Candela and James Carpenter page 275
NB 93-1922
West 169th Street, 559-561
5-sty bk apts, 50×69
W. 169th St. Corp, 200 W 72d [72nd]
Rosario Candela, 200 W 72d [72nd]
Address in Real Estate Record:
Architect Rosario Candela; Builder West 169th Street Corporation Michael Campagna President; Armino Campagna Treasurer (Alpern Acanthus page 275)