332 West 86th Street

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Read ‘The Paterno Brothers & Their Manhattan Apartment Houses‘ Look Book

This building is featured in the video The Paterno Monograms: Art of Personalizing Apartment Buildings

1923 332 West 86th Street

Featured in Andrew Alpern’s book The New York Apartment Houses of Rosario Candela and James Carpenter page 264

NB 626-1923
West 86th Street, 332-338
15-sty f. p. apt, 80×100
905 West End Av. Corp, 200 W 72d [72nd]
Rosario Candela, 200 W 72d [72nd]
Address in Real Estate Record:
86TH ST, 332-8 W

Located in Riverside – West End Historic District Extension I designated 26 June 2012

perhaps sometimes listed at 334 West 86th Street

Architect Rosario Candela; Builder 905 West End Avenue Corporation Joseph Paterno President; Anthony Campagna Treasurer (Alpern Acanthus page 264)

1924 Joseph Paterno President; 332 West 86th Street; 1934 1 apartment made into 2 for Joseph Faiella (Kelley Paterno page 285)


https://www.landmarkwest.org/building/114-west-70th-street/https://www.landmarkwest.org/building/114-west-70th-street/334 West 86th Street, AKA 332-338 West 86th Street

Date: 1923-1924

NB Number: NB 626-1923

Type: Apartment Building

Architect: Candela, Rosario

Developer/Owner/Builder: 905 West End Avenue Corp

NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District

Landmark Designation Report:Riverside Drive – West End Historic District Extension I

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style: Romanesque Revival

Primary Facade: Brick and Terra Cotta

Stories: 15

Roof Type/Material: Pitched

Structure: Significant Architectural Features: High stone water table; two story base with elaborate brickwork; two story arched entrance with elaborate terra cotta and brickwork enframements featuring chevrons on paired engaged columns and blind arcade with fanlight transom; paired arched window enframements with cartouche at tympanum, a feature that is repeated at the third, 14th, and 15th stories; a cornice runs the width of the building at the third story sills level a feature that is repeated at the 13th story; windows with simple stone sills at most windows; topped by a terra cotta blind arcade and denticulated cornice

Notable History and Residents: Ruth Messinger lived at 334 West 86 in the 1990s, when she was Manhattan Borough President.

North Facade: Designed (historic) Door(s): Replaced primary door; secondary entrance at first story western end of facade Windows: Replaced Roof: Pitched (possibly historic) Cornice: Original Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete Curb Material(s): Stone East Facade: Designed (historic) (partially visible) Facade Notes: one-over-one windows with simple stone sills

Historic District: Riverside Drive-West End HD Extension I

Alterations: Non-historic metal and glass double leaf door; facade repointed at several stories; through-wall air conditioners under windows at several stories; canvas and metal awing at entrance runs to the curb (LandmarkWest.com)

(source) 334 West 86th Street – matches photo in Alpern Acanthus book page 264 for 332 West 86th Street
From the New York Public Library
New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962); Feb 24, 1929; pg. D6
New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962), Jan 12 1930, p. 1.
New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962), Feb 01 1931, p. 6.
New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962), Nov 08 1932, p. 34.
New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962), May 29 1928, p. 37.
New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962), Aug 28 1930, p. 34.
The New York Herald, New York Tribune (1924-1926), Jun 29 1924, p. 1.
New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962), May 24 1929, p. 45.
TwentyYears Ago In Realty Market – New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962); Oct 10, 1943; pg. B7
The New York Herald, New York Tribune (1924-1926); Jan 20, 1925; pg. 28
Display Ad 77 — No Title
New York Times (1923-); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 17 Aug 1924: RE8.
New York Times (1923-); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]. 10 Aug 1924: RE1. 
The New York Real Estate Brochure Collection, Columbia University
From the library of Mary Faiella Turkus, granddaughter of Rose Paterno
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2022
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2022
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2022
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2022
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2022 – the building was originally known as 334 West 86th Street – see address tiles above main entrance
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2022