Watch “The Paterno Family: Chronicling a New York Real Estate Legacy” video on YouTube
Read ‘The Paterno Brothers & Their Manhattan Apartment Houses‘ Look Book
NB 408-1920
Riverside Drive, West 148th Street, northeast corner
6-sty bk tnt, 99×72
Melrose Av. Real Estate Corp, 601 W 115th
Geo. Fred Pelham, 200 W 72d [72nd]
Address in Real Estate Record:
RIVERSIDE DR, n e c 148th
Joseph Paterno used Melrose Avenue Real Estate Corporation also for 700 Riverside Drive. 601 West 115th Street is the address of the Regnor built by Joseph.
“John’s first job was as an office boy and typist for the Edison Portland Cement Company in 1918. Later that year, he went to work for his Uncle Charles (the doctor) at 270 Park Avenue, as an office boy, typist and timekeeper for the laborers. As he gained experience, he worked for Joe Paterno (1919), whose firm was constructing 884 West End Avenue, New York City. John’s responsibilities included timekeeping, as well as being the Assistant Construction Superintendent. In 1920 that building was completed, and construction began at 710 Riverside Drive, where John held the same position as before. (If you take a ride along Riverside Drive, you can see this apartment building and the initial “JP” inscribed in the facade above the entrance.)” Anne Paterno’s Family book page 12