Born: October 7, 1940
Married Joan; four boys were born, 1 died of crib death.
Married T. Elaine Gagne in 1966

Anthony born 1966


Bobby was the youngest child born to the Paternos. He was friendly, lovable, quick tempered, and happy. While growing up the rest of us felt he always got away with everything as Mom said he was her pride and joy! When he was reprimanded and sent to his room as punishment, we would all wait to hear the door slam. if he forgot, one of us would call out and then, he’d slam it! He insists that he was blamed for anything that went wrong! He was precocious, as most boys are, and generally managed to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar. As he grew older, he became more adept at staying out of trouble – only because he got better at not getting caught!

In 1956 he lived with Anne & Ed for about a year or two in Limestone, Maine. He and a friend went out into the woods for some bird hunting and his friend assured him he knew the trail. As evening drew on, they realized they were lost and it was early morning before the searcher, (which included a helicopter overhead) were able to locate them. They tried to get a fire burning as a signal, but they couldn’t get the flames bright until after the helicopter flew by. Cold, tired, and a bit scared, he came home to face a relieved but angry Anne and Ed. Mom would never have forgiven us if he were hurt!

Bob finished high school, went into the service for a few years and went back to school for a college degree after realizing that it was required if he wanted to be a success.

He’s a natural athlete and enjoys most sports. For a while he was an avid golfer, but tuned his energy to tennis (although he still plays golf and other sports). His charisma has won him many friends as well as making him a successful salesman.


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