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1905 La Touraine 401 West 115th Street
– 46 Morningside Drive (Metropolis page 150)
– 53 Morningside Drive per Dolkart page 344
In 1905-6 Charles and Joseph Paterno jointly constructed two corner and two inside apartment houses, covering the entire block front on Morningside Drive, from 115th to 116th street, namely: La Valaciennes, La Touraine, Mount Cenis, and Park Court, these structures being disposed of within six months of their completion. (Metropolis page 61)
Morningside av, w s, 115th st to 116th st two 6-sty brk and stone apartment houses, 90.11˙80˙75
(o) Paterno Bros, Inc / (o) 557 W 183d [183rd] st COMMENTS
(a) Schwartz & Gross / (a) 35 W 21st st (source)
Living It Up (published 1984) page 331: TOURAINE, LA, 50 Morningside Drive: A 6-story Schwartz & Gross building of 1906, matching the Mont Cenis next door, also developed by the Paterno Company. Morningside Park, which the building faces, was opened in 1887. The many French names in the neighborhood are related to the presence of the Roman Catholic Eglise de Notra Dame, the first part of which was built in 1910. Touraine is a province in France.