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1905 La Valenciennes 404 West 116th Street
– Morningside Drive from 115-116th Street
– between Morningside Drive and Amsterdam Avenue (Metropolis page 245)
In 1905-6 Charles and Joseph Paterno jointly constructed two corner and two inside apartment houses, covering the entire block front on Morningside Drive, from 115th to 116th street, namely: La Valaciennes, La Touraine, Mount Cenis, and Park Court, these structures being disposed of within six months of their completion. (Metropolis page 61)
115th st, n s, 85 w Morningside av; 116th st, s s, 90 w Morningside av two 6-sty brk and stone tenements, 60˙87.11
(o) Paterno Bros / (o) 557 W 183d [183rd] st COMMENTS
(a) Schwartz & Gross / (a) 35 W 21st st (source)
Living It Up (published 1984) page 342: VALENCIENNES, LA, 404 West 116th Street: Matches its neighbor La Touraine on Morningside Drive. Valenciennes is a small city in northern France captured by the German army in WWI and almost totally destroyed.