Prince Monaco

Watch “The Paterno Family: Chronicling a New York Real Estate Legacy” video on YouTube

Read ‘The Paterno Brothers & Their Manhattan Apartment Houses‘ Look Book

This building is featured in the video The Paterno Monograms: Art of Personalizing Apartment Buildings

1911 Prince Monaco 229 West 109th Street
sometimes 227 West 109th Street

109TH ST, Nos. 227-29 W 9-sty brick apartment house, 55.8˙85.11
(o) Paterno Construction Co / (o) 440 Riverside Drive COMMENTS
(a) Gaetan Ajello / (a) 1 W. 34th st (source)

(source) dated 1927

In the articles below it appears that the West End & 84th Street land was used to build the Alameda which is 12-stories.

New-York tribune. [volume], June 24, 1914, Page 11, Image 11
The sun. [volume], June 03, 1914, Page 15, Image 15
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2021
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2021
Photo by mjwoo44 for Carla Golden 2021 – note the “P” (for Paterno) stone corbels under the windows

New York Architectural Terra Cotta Company Bids- Columbia University
Job #: 22030
Date: 1912-02-19
Architect: Ajello, Gaetan
Project: Apartment house
Client: Paterno Bros. Co.
State: NY
City: Manhattan
Address: N.S. 109th St./Amsterdam
Contractor: Paterno Bros Co.
Outcome NJ TCC (New Jersey Terra Cotta Company)
Building Type (AAT): apartment houses
Notes: n/a